KITAP - Tatar Association in Prague. NGO. The word
"KITAP" in Tatar means "a BOOK", which is symbolic - the
culture and traditions of each nation - are as a new book to explore.
One of the goals of our association KITAP is to show our culture, to promote our culture, to inform interested people about our traditions and identity.
It’s amazing, how
far is being spread the glory of the Tatar nation’s cultural heritage and the breadth of
our soul, thanks to the diligence of some representatives. Tatars can be found in every corner of our
We, Tatars in Czech Republic, also decided to inform society about the rich culture of Tatar nation, and hereby we have established, by our own efforts, non-commercial organization – KITAP. The word “Kitap” translates from Tatar language as a “Book”.
In the hospitable and friendly Czech Republic, Tatars can be also found. Although, we are here about a 1000 (according to some statistical dates), only a small part of us get together to represent our rich culture.
We, Tatars in Czech Republic, also decided to inform society about the rich culture of Tatar nation, and hereby we have established, by our own efforts, non-commercial organization – KITAP. The word “Kitap” translates from Tatar language as a “Book”.
In the hospitable and friendly Czech Republic, Tatars can be also found. Although, we are here about a 1000 (according to some statistical dates), only a small part of us get together to represent our rich culture.
However, few people know about who are the Tatars.
In addition, the whole Tatar culture is
diverse, due the fact of prevalence of Tatars in the world. Moreover, even the
mentality, knowledge, interests and the culture itself differs from one region
to the other, from one family to the other, from one Tatar to the other… depending on origin.

The concert program sounded folk songs and dances accompanied by traditional folk instruments and modern music.

A kaleidoscope of colorful costumes,
modern fast-paced and measured folk dances, traditional and contemporary tunes
– all has so fascinated viewers that they simply did not notice the flying 2
and a half hour concert. Performances often interrupted with thunderous
applause, shouts of approval: “Bravo!” The evening ended with a friendly
cup of tea and a tasting of national dishes. Event attended by about 400 people. Among the guests of honor there were
the Ambassador of Turkey in Czech Republic - Ahmet Necati Bigali, as well as
employees of embassies of the CIS countries.
March 21, 2015 in the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Prague was held a concert dedicated to
the spring holiday "Navruz" – spring New Year holiday according to the solar astronomical calendar celebrated
by Turkic peoples. The event was opened by the KITAP chairman - Dania. The concert consisted of two parts: in
the first the young artists performed songs of the Eastern peoples and played
on national instruments. In the second part of the event was a competition
"Miss Oriental Beauty".
KITAP participated in 2015 in the international multinational folklor festival – Prague is the heart of the nations, and presented wonderful TATAR COLORIT in Prague. Two girls – Aliya Ahtyamova and Asylnar Kukueva sang Tatar songs on the main squares of Prague – in Traditional costumes. Golden accordion of Russia – Crimean Tatar virtuoso Server Abkerimov amazed the public not only in the Prague Old Town Square, but also in the amazing historical Theatre in Prague – Divadlo na Vinohradech.

year 2016 we organized a musical and poetry event "Music of Languages" Music of Languages (Hudba jazyků),
where was presented traditional culture of Tatars, Turks, Azerbaijanis. On the
stage sounded Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai readed by the KITAP chairman Dania. It
was followed by the well-known Crimean Tatar virtuoso, Golden accordion of
Russia Server Abkerimov. Representative of the Czech nation – Tomáš Boukal surprised the public by great performance on Turkic
instrument - Dombra singing Altai song in Turkic language.
Amazed everyone
Yakut show and play traditional instrument of Sakha nation – Khomus - performed
by Maria Shishigina-Palson. Turkish Saz or Baglama sounded differently as the
music on them was presented by Altan Onat and Kemal Deniz. The Azerbaijanian
representatives – Rashid Aghamaliyev played Tar mughalims, while Vugar Ali was reading
Ghazali. The official music part of the concert ended with the bright Tatar
folk dances by KITAP chairman Lilia. That concert was traditionally concluded
with the Tatar goodies and tea.
we are also: Blog KITAP
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